The changes of landscape in Canaã, by Graça Aranha




Graça Aranha, Canaã, landscape


This paper aims to study the changes of landscape in the novel Canaã, by Graça Aranha, based on contemporary discussions about the concept of landscape. In the novel, it is in the discussion around German immigration based on the then savage and still almost untouched state of the Espírito Santo, constructing its plot around especially the character Milkau, a German immigrant, that issues related to the being of Brazil are being drawn by the pages of the novel. In this way, we are interested in this paper to approach the movement of landscapes that travel through Canaã, especially from Milkau’s perspective, in which are not only the materiality of a place, the concreteness of its forms, colors, textures and sounds, but an idea about Brazil and the projection of a utopian imaginary for the country, enclosed in the emblematic title of the novel, Canaã.


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Author Biography

Regina Célia dos Santos Alves, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

Professora Assosciada de Literatura Brasileira do Departamento de Letras Vernáculas e Clássicas da Universidade Estadual de Londrina


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How to Cite

Alves, R. C. dos S. (2019). The changes of landscape in Canaã, by Graça Aranha. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 48(3), 1176–1189.


