The mobilization of discursive memory in the cyberfeminist movement: analysis of the hashtag #metoo
cyber activism, cyberfeminism, discursive memory, discursive des-memory, controversyAbstract
The harassment, which is part of the specific thematic approached by the feminist social movement (HIRATA et al., 2009), will be discursively analyzed in this article from the irruption and circulation of the hashtag #metoo, which took the social networks at the end of 2017. Anchored in French Discourse Analysis, we will mobilize the notions of discursive memory and des-memory (PAVEAU, 2013, 2013a, 2015, 2017) seeking to unravel how this notions contribute to the establishment of polemic as interincomprehension (MAINGUENEAU, 2008), generating a kind of dissent, manifested from different enunciative positions. The feminist movement has gained more strength in cyberspace, where the so-called cyberfeminism (LALONDE, 2012) has appropriated the available virtual tools. The hashtag, while techno-word (PAVEAU, 2017), functions in cyber activism as an anchoring point of the public debate about a certain theme; therefore the hashtag is stared, in this article, as a synthesizer of political-ideological questions.Downloads
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