Occluded genres in telecollaboration: the variation in the rhetorical structure of the initial teletandem oral session





telecollaboration, occluded genres, rhetorical structure


The project Teletandem Brasil (TELLES, 2006) allows university students to experience intercultural contact with speakers of different languages in a telecollaborative environment in which each participant assists his/her partner in learning the language of one another. This article presents the results of an investigation of the rhetorical structure of a communicative event that occurs in such context, the initial teletandem oral session (iTOS), considered a genre (RAMPAZZO; ARANHA, 2018, 2019b), in order to verify if there is any relation between the variation in its structure and the fact that participants had not had previous access to this communicative event neither are aware of its expected rhetorical structure, given that iTOS can be an occluded genre (LOUDERMILK, 2007; SWALES, 1996). Our results indicate that the variation may be associated with iTOS occlusion, in view of the fact that participants need to resort to other genres and previous experiences to be able to engage in the initial teletandem oral session.


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How to Cite

Rampazzo, L. (2019). Occluded genres in telecollaboration: the variation in the rhetorical structure of the initial teletandem oral session. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 48(3), 1535–1553. https://doi.org/10.21165/el.v48i3.2175


