The practice of the romance by Antonio da Fonseca Soares: ms. 2998 BGUC




romance, Barroco, Filologia


The manuscript 2998 of the General Library of the University of Coimbra (BGUC) presents in its first page the caption "Romances Portugueses de Antonio d’Affonseca, q despois se chamou Fr. Antonio das Chagas”. The compiler of the texts establishes a contrast between two figures: the first is Antonio da Fonseca Soares (1631-1682), who became a cavalry captain of the Portuguese army during the Restoration War and one of the most notorious authors of Portuguese conceptism, the second, the name he adopted after ordained as a Franciscan friar in 1663. The intention here is to briefly examine how the title goes beyond the mere indication of authorship, it has the function of establishing to the sixteenth century reader a series of expectations for the reading and decoding of the texts contained in the manuscript.


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Ms. 2998 da sala de reservados da Biblioteca Geral da Universidade de Coimbra.

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How to Cite

D’Arcadia, L. F. C. (2018). The practice of the romance by Antonio da Fonseca Soares: ms. 2998 BGUC. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 47(2), 425–434.


