Stylistics and Style in the Bakhtin Circle and the Idealism: a comparative study between the dialogical and monological basis in Linguistics




Bakhtin Circle, Idealism, Style, Stylistics, Linguistic


The proposition of this article is to compare the notion of Style and Stylistics from Karl Vossler, one of the greatest names from the Idealistische Neuphilologie (Modern Idealist Philology), to that from the Bakhtin Circle, based on Mikhail M. Bakhtin and Valentin N. Voloshinov’s writings. From these authors, two keywords were chosen to best summarize the monological and dialogical basis of their respective methods: the authorial monologue, presented in Vossler’s conception of Style and Stylistics and deeply rooted in his romantic and idealist heritage, and the social heterodiscourse, described by Bakhtin according to dialogical notions of Style and Stylistics. Focusing on these key words, Vossler and Bakhtin’s analysis on literary texts were compared. The results point out to a transition in the Linguistics, in which the dialogical conception of Style and Stylistics brought up the literary work as a representation of a language that is not unique but merged from contradictory ideologies, instead of it being a sample of a particular author’s peculiarities.


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How to Cite

Domingues, T. (2018). Stylistics and Style in the Bakhtin Circle and the Idealism: a comparative study between the dialogical and monological basis in Linguistics. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 47(2), 485–500.



Filosofia da Linguagem