Heteroglot Neologisms: Arnaldo Antunes’s Poetry in the Anthropocene Era





neologism, Anthropocene, Bakhtin, Latour, Luzescrita


This article presents the results of a study on neologisms in a short selection of works from the exposition entitled as Luzescrita (2013-), composed by some poems, by Arnaldo Antunes, assembly and permanent registers on photography, by Fernando Lazslo. The selected works for this study result from the convergence of the processes of literary and artistic creations, with narrow relation with linguistic processes. The study adopts the conceptual expansion of heteroglossia, by Bakhtin (2015) to render distinct styles, languages, axiological systems in distinct medias in the semantic conflict in the neological creations. The study involved also the scrutiny of the semantic field. The works result from the interactions between human and technology (LATOUR, 2005), in the Anthropocene era.


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Author Biography

Sandra Mina Takakura, USP - doutoranda em Língua portuguesa e filologia UEPA- Professora Assistente II

Graduação em Português e Inglês  pela UFPA, mestrado em língua inglesa e literatura correspondente pela UFSC, doutoranda  em Língua Portuguesa e Filologia pela USP.


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How to Cite

Takakura, S. M. (2018). Heteroglot Neologisms: Arnaldo Antunes’s Poetry in the Anthropocene Era. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 47(1), 102–113. https://doi.org/10.21165/el.v47i1.1911



Lexicologia e Lexicografia