An approach to the circulation of the subject in the universe of writing through the mechanisms of junction
writing, mechanisms of junction, discursive tradition, argumentationAbstract
In this paperwork, a point of observation on the argumentation is searched in texts that were produced by subjects of the first year of Elementary School in the public teaching system of the city of Assis (SP), during the phase of acquisition of the written manners of enunciating. Relations were searched between the concept of Discursive Tradition, based on the presupposition that texts have some history and that this history may determine textual uses, regardless of their ways of enunciating, and the conjunctive elements of the text, considered in/as spaces of repetition that show all different types of circulation of the writer through what they imagine what writing is. The results revealed that the usage of the Junction Mechanisms (MJ) – with emphasis on the ones with causal and conditional meanings – reflect the constitution of a tradition, in which the argumentative effect is produced amid the incompleteness and the heterogeneity that are part of the speech/language and which are intimately connected to the discursive series attached to the syntagmatic chain, even though primarily by zero.
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