The pronouns "nós" [we] and "a gente" [the people] in the Portuguese variety spoken in Rio Branco
sociolinguistics, variation, pronouns nós/a genteAbstract
This paper has as objective to present a study in an apparent time of the variation between the pronouns nós [we] e a gente [the people], in the speech community of Rio Branco, in Acre State, following the theoretical and methodological assumptions of the language variation theory and change model. The corpus is constituted by 40 texts of natural speech, recorded in 2011 and 2012. The informants selection was processed on the basis of the social variables, such as gender, educational level and age; the dependent variable, the alternation between nós [we] and a gente [the people], circumscribed to the position of subject, object and complement, has as internal nature conditioners factors the nature of reference and verbal agreement. The analysis of data suggests that the nominal phrase a gente [the people] is already embodied into the grammar of the speech community, albeit still in competition with the variant nós [we].
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