Study on the revengeful passion of “Duelo” by João Guimarães Rosa


  • Roseli Cantalogo Couto
  • Vera L. Rodela Abriata


This work analyses the tale “Duelo”, by João Guimarães Rosa and uses as theoretical reference the French Semiotics based on the Dicionário de Semiótica by A. J. Greimas and J. Courtés (s/d), on Caminhos da Semiótica Literária by Denis Bertrand (2003), and


This work analyses the tale “Duelo”, by João Guimarães Rosa and uses as theoretical reference the French Semiotics based on the Dicionário de Semiótica by A. J. Greimas and J. Courtés (s/d), on Caminhos da Semiótica Literária by Denis Bertrand (2003), and on Dictionnaire des Passions Littéraires by Patrizia Lombardo (2005), a study on revenge. The aim is to describe the construction of signification in the tale, focusing aspects of pragmatic, figurative, passionate, and enunciative dimensions. The transformations of state that the characters experience were
described and in the passionate course, their state of soul was described by observing the passions that move them. It was noticed that the revengeful passion manifest itself in the tale, creating various meaning effects.


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How to Cite

Couto, R. C., & Abriata, V. L. R. (2016). Study on the revengeful passion of “Duelo” by João Guimarães Rosa. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 40(3), 1814–1827. Retrieved from


