Judicial and journalistic discourses:the construction and interchangeability of arguments


  • Maria Helena Cruz Pistori


journalistic discourse, judicial discourse, dialogue, Bakhtin, argumentation.


This work aims to understand how judicial and journalistic discourses dialogue and construct arguments in order to observe their axiologic position. Enunciations taken from Correio Braziliense and Folha de S. Paulo are analyzed as well as their dialogue with the Counter-arguments of the defense of a person accused of murder (the case of Pataxó Indian). The analysis is based on the dialogic discourse analysis, inspired by the Bakhtin Circle, and considers initially the different genres of these enunciations and their respective constraints. It also considers the dialogical relations between enunciations and different types of reported discourse, which can be understood as comprehensive-active responses that reveal evaluative attitudes of speakers. In the analyzed texts, there was a clear divergence of values, reflecting and refracting what happens in our society.


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How to Cite

Pistori, M. H. C. (2016). Judicial and journalistic discourses:the construction and interchangeability of arguments. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 40(3), 1458–1470. Retrieved from https://revistadogel.emnuvens.com.br/estudos-linguisticos/article/view/1267



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