“Abraça essa Brasil”: the Brazilian identity (re)built in the advertising discourse


  • Ana Lúcia Furquim Campos-Toscano


speech genres, dialogism, style, Brazilian identity.


In this study, we aim to reflect upon the constitution of Brazilian identity in an
advertisement that incorporates previous discourses about the same issue. Our study is based on studies conducted by Mikhail Bakhtin’s Circle on speech genres and dialogism. We analyze one of Malhas Malwee advertisements, which was published by Veja magazine in January 2010. In the advertisement, the Brazilian flag is modified due to the articulation between verbal and nonverbal language. The modification causes a new visual configuration and, consequently, another meaning effect. Therefore, other discourses are incorporated and/or reinterpreted such as the symbology in the flag colors, the conception of a rich and exuberant nature and its birds which connected to the idea of Brazil as the football country, creates a sense of conquering the world and “embracing happiness”.


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How to Cite

Campos-Toscano, A. L. F. (2016). “Abraça essa Brasil”: the Brazilian identity (re)built in the advertising discourse. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 40(3), 1208–1217. Retrieved from https://revistadogel.emnuvens.com.br/estudos-linguisticos/article/view/1243



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