A womb is the size of a fi st, or about the interdictions against women


  • Gisele Novaes Frighetto Universidade de São Paulo (USP), São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil


A womb is the size of a fist, Angélica Freitas, Contemporary Brazilian poetry, Feminism


A womb is the size of a fi st is a book of poems by Angélica Freitas, published in 2012. It contains a poetics characterized by free verses, popular language, linguistic experiments, parody, humor, and iconoclasm. Another quality is the theme of gender and feminism. This paper aims to analyze the title poem beyond aesthetical considerations and to consider as well the discourses about the interdictions against women in contemporary Latin-American societies.



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How to Cite

Novaes Frighetto, G. (2016). A womb is the size of a fi st, or about the interdictions against women. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 44(3), 1303–1317. Retrieved from https://revistadogel.emnuvens.com.br/estudos-linguisticos/article/view/1058



Literatura Brasileira