Brazilian Nerd Literature and its multimodality: consolidating a cultural identity
Jovem Nerd, nerd literature, nerd cultureAbstract
The objective of this article is to present and analyze how the multimedia, which nerd literature circulates through, contributes to the consolidation of the nerd identity in Brazil. Basing on theoretical principles of multimodalities, the discussion will focus on works from the website Jovem Nerd, addressing the content that is part of their schedule, the items sold at Nerdstore, publications by Nerdbooks, and other publications by writers associated with Jovem Nerd, like Fábio Yabu and Eduardo Spohr. We conclude that the productions of Jovem Nerd, built on a multimodal basis, make their creators a major exponent of Brazilian nerd culture, making nerd literature – literary works published by Nerdbooks or by other publishers – a reference for young readers, participating directly in the construction of the identity of the Brazilian nerd reader.
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