Analogy in Vitruvius, Seneca and Quintilian


  • Antonio Carlos Silva de Carvalho Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul (UNICSUL), São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil


analogy, synonymy, lexicon, meaning, Quintilian


This paper aims to briefl y introduce how three authors, who lived during the second phase of the Roman Period, used the term analogy in their respective areas. Marcus Vitruvius Pollio (1 st century B.C.), Roman architect and engineer, very likely dedicated his work to the fi rst Augustus (b. 63 B.C. – d. 14 A.D.), used a Latin translation of the Greek term analogy, namely, proportion; Lucius Annaeus Seneca, called Seneca, the philosopher (b. 4 B.C., d. 65 A.D.), did not address analogy under a grammatical point of view; however, he made interesting comments using it in philosophy; Marcus Fabius Quintillian (b. 35 A.D., d. 95 A.D.), Roman rhetorician, though not a grammarian, wrote about the grammarian’s craft, and as for his position with respect to the analogist and anomalist controversy, he tended to side with the former, but not so rigorously (Support: CAPES – PNPD scholarship holder).


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How to Cite

Silva de Carvalho, A. C. (2016). Analogy in Vitruvius, Seneca and Quintilian. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 44(3), 1237–1246. Retrieved from



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