For an argumentation history: the rupture of senses in 20 th century


  • Débora Massmann Universidade do Vale do Sapucaí (Univás), Pouso Alegre, Minas Gerais


history, sense, argumentation


This research aims to analyze the formulations produced surrounding the word argumentation. Through the Enunciation of Semantics (GUIMARÃES, 2002), this study analyzes the sense(s) working of the word “argumentation” in the enunciations produced in the 50s, in the 20 th century. As a study corpus, it was selected a reference work for the study of argumentation, which is, “The uses of argument” (1958) by Toulmin. The results allow comprehending the meanings of argumentation concept in the mentioned work and to know the appropriation of this concept in the theoretical-methodological ruptures that argumentation has produced in the history of linguistics theories in the 20 th century.



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How to Cite

Massmann, D. (2016). For an argumentation history: the rupture of senses in 20 th century. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 44(2), 681–694. Retrieved from



Filosofia da Linguagem